Sunday, 29 April 2012


As a vegan, I am often told that I should ‘respect [someone’s] decision to eat animals’. This can get problematic, because that is the antithesis of veganism as an ideal. I will elaborate, but first, lets look at what the word “respect” really means, because I think that often it is misused in this context. If the person truly understood what veganism was, and had a full understanding of the meaning of respect, then they might get why the two can not be used together that way.
Chris Poupart (via thevegancheese)

Saturday, 28 April 2012

So you know that shitty feeling when you try to fix a relationship so many times, but it turns out that you've been kidding yourself, and you were really the only one in the relationship this hole time? (if you have not experienced, this kind of pain, please go hug your best friend <3 for me, because right now, i would do anything for that privilege) it's been a year cents are drifting began,  you were on one island and i was on another, and the only thing keeping us in contact was me desperately trying to build a bridge and right when i finished it,  and take the firs steps towards you,  you would light it up under my feet and then we were back at stage one, but for some resin i keep trying, i never gave up on us not event for a second, up tell now, i can take a lot, i did take a lot, but you looked me in the eye and sad, " i don't care if i ever see you again" and i know that's because of your depression, and you've told me that before, but i just always thought i could help you, but, i guess that terrible old saying is true  "you can't help someone that dose not won't to be helped" i fell like i should try harder, something new, something know one has tried yet, but every time it comes back to, you telling me " i just don't care, nothing matters to me anymore"

so now it's time to start moving on, they tell you to "let go" "move on" "you'll get over it" but the truth is....... i'll never get over it, it's part of me, i don't won't to "get over it"   and i'm certainly not trying to forget it, i hope i never forget it, all though this year has been so very painful, there were so many great years, that i hope i will never forget <3 i will always love you, i can't help it, it's kinda my default setting, once my heart get's attached, it never lets go, no mater how many times my brain says " your only going you get more pain,

i'm never going to let you go. you cant give up this easy. i love you and i need you. it hurts me to see you hurt yourself like this. you're my bestfriend, you're perfect. you are to good for all this bs. please dont leave me.

I don't like the memories because the tears come easily, and once again I break my promise to myself for this day it's a constant Battle. A war between remembering And forgetting
“Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it’s like being young again. Colours seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.” 

Bob Marley

Friday, 27 April 2012

Holding hands

Holding hands may seem like an innocent gesture, but they show more than a simple interlocking of fingers. Your hands are one of the most essential parts of your body: you build with them, feed with them, hold with them, touch with them, fight with them; they are the tools of the human body. To take a hold of another’s hand is to break from living individually. It is to link yourself to another being, to momentarily entwine your life with another’s, to promise, for a moment, that you need not face the world alone. More simple, more aesthetically naive than other forms of affection, i.e kissing, hugging, sexing, the act of holding hands is often trivialized in its true implications. As the Beatles once said: ”All I want to do is hold your hand.”

it makes me sick to think i'll never talk to you again

im never going to let you go. you cant give up this easy. i love you and i need you. it hurts me to see you hurt yourself like this. you're my bestfriend, you're perfect. you are to good for all this bs. please dont leave me.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

So I have 1001 days left of being a kid, and then it's all over, having someone to look over you, or some you can blame all your problems on, and be pissed of at when you have to ask before you go out of the house, and asks you what are you were are you going, just incase you get lost or in a car ascend even if your parent don't care about you half as much as they should, and trust me i'm know stranger to abandonment and pain, but i'm just so sad that i've been trying so hard to get my parent out of my life, so i could have my freedom like when i started cleaning my room and launder and buying my own stuff because i wonted to fell responsible  when i was 10, and when i started being vegetarian at 11 and started cooked most all of my food, and stared caring more about saving gas, and money then hanging out with my friend, and having fun, that i just wonted to be "free" and happy, like they say high school will be the worst and best times of your life, but i've only seen the worst! but it sucks friend are lost, hearts are broken beyond repair, and the worsted part is you feel like your all along, and you usually are :( cuz every only has so much time, and if you a "needy teen" as my mom would put it, then you'll just have to suck it up, all i ever wonted was just for someone to tack the time to get to now me, it would make all the difference, oh back then it was fun, to play the responsible grown up  11 years old it was all so fun if only i could tell myself, but i can't. so i'm gonna try to help future self, DON'T TAKE ANYTHING FOR GRANTED!!! BECAUSE !NOTHING! LAST FOREVER
so life each moment like your last love life and just don't give a shit about the little stuff, it fucking docent mater! forget about it! just do what makes you happy do what you love <3 and have a good day

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Have you ever felt?

Like you don’t know what’s going on anymore. Like you don’t care about anything anymore. You’ve lost motivation to do anything. Your mind is set on too many things that you are confused about your feelings, and you can’t explain how you feel either. The feeling of emptiness, and feeling that barely anyone is there for you. Feeling that no one understands you anymore. And it seems like there is nothing to look forward to anymore.

I know I’m right where I belong But sometimes when I’m not that strong… I Wish I’d done a little bit more.

 I’m not completely sure of what i want with my life actually, and I still feel that emptiness sometimes but what I know  now is that , this life right now is what i want, this is what I decided to be, this life that I’m living right now, the person that I am, the place where I live, the people I am with, the job I have and everything that I achieved and total of all that is happening in my life right now…this is it! this I what I want with my life. I want to accept it as it is. there maybe something more that I desire or need but i will deal with it everyday, and work for it.  i was blinded to look too much about  what i want with my life, without realizing that I have so much more to be thankful for, that my life is the life that I want to be. And right now whatever comes my way I am okay with it:)

i've always been bad at making decisions

So i've come to a point in my life, were i have a big decision to make, there's going to be some big changes, i know you like me and you know i like you,  but we have been hiding this scary fact for far to long, but now that the door has been blown open, and were ready to go,  i'm just not shore if i'm in love with you? or with the idea of you.

1. You always think about them during the day and always dream about them during the night.
2. When you found youself smiling for no reason…..then you realized I was thinking about you.
3. You get butterflies everytime you see/think or hear them ♥
4. When you can be absolutely happy, like nothing else maters :) ♥
5. You love them for who they are x
6. You log on facebook/msn just to see if they are online x
7. You get protective when other people mention him/her x
8. Whenever you are with them, nothing else in the world matters x
9. They choose them over your freinds and always try your best to be around them x
10. You care about there safety more than yours

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Well today was a sad day, it was like any ordinary day, but a friend was lost,
not to death, or distance, but to depression, and the complications of life,  depression has changed, my best friend, so much, if i look into your eyes, i can't even't see her that lovely happy beautiful girl i know and love so much, is completely gone, i hear your words, but there not yours, it's that depression, it's got you all rapped up, and know mater how many times i try to get you out of it's grasp, it will not let go, it's stronger then you, it's stronger then me, and the more i try to get you out, the more it starts to get a hold of me, you were so happy before the depression got you, at dragged you under, tell you could not breathe, until you had know hope, and now your gone and no mater what i do, i can't get you back, and it's starting to get me to, and i don't won't to end up like you, so i'll have to run from you, if you ever escape, the deathly grasp it has on you, and you can fell again, and your willing to try, i'll be there. but i'm starting to lose myself, well trying to help you find yourself,

 but she completely gone and i don't even't know why or how, the past year of my life has been a very bad one indeed, I've been in so much pain, but people change, and at what point do you give up on someone? i don't won't to give up but i can only handle a one sided relationship for so long, and if she can tell's me, "i never won't to talk to you again " and i still hang on for a year after that, and i try everything to try to get you to talk to me and you never even't tried, i guess i'll have to say good by, may life treat you well,

Sunday, 15 April 2012

say i love you before it's to late

 for who ever comes to your mind when you read this, call them text them Skype them Emil them, or just say "hi" next time you see them, you know you still care about them, because your thinking about them right now :P

Saturday, 14 April 2012

ill love you forever and always

There will come a time when you’re infatuated with a single soul. For this person, you’d do anything, and not think twice about it. But when asked why, you have no answer. You’ll try your whole life to understand how he can affect you as much as he does. But you’ll never find out. And no matter how badly you hate it, or how much it hurts, you will love this person without regrets, for the rest of your life.

i'll alway won't you

No matter how much you force a compass to point where you want, it will always point north when left alone. Here I am, alone, and all I do is point towards you.

how alone are you.

Insomnia is a kind of torture. Because while the world is fast asleep, you’re up all alone, your mind buzzing with every random thought in the universe. And sometimes, the thoughts will reach a standstill, and your mind goes blank. You become more aware of the silence. And it is during this moment that you realize how alone you are.

I want to disappear

I just want to run. I want to disappear. I want to be someone else. I want to cry. I want to sleep. I want to give up. I want you back. I want to tell you you’re an ass. I want to punch you in the face. I want to be happy. I want to let you go. I want to tell you I love you and not cry. I want to tell you I miss you so much. I want to stop crying. I want to stop being sad. I want to tell you what’s on my mind. I want to be able to live without you. I want to live with you.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012


i know it sounds stupid, but out of all of the places in the would i won't to live there, and it's not event because of the location, event though nelson is a incredibly beautiful place! that's not even't why, it's because of the people! i live 8 vary long hours from my oh so lovely friends, i miss them so much! my heart breaks every time i look at a map, and every time i leave i'm counting down the days tell i go back to visit!
and one day ( hopefully soon ) i will live there

( if your from nelson or, have ever been to nelson, you'll enjoy these photo's)

but until then i'll just have many online chats, and Skype calls, and lonely friday nights

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

how to emotionally bond

Limbic Resonance By Amanda Sage
“Our capacity to emotionally bond with another is mediated through a phenomenon known to physiologists and behaviorists as “limbic resonance.” Limbic resonance is the tuning in to another’s internal state; it is the most reliable way a mammal can know the emotional state of another without the necessity of translation (facial expressions, language)

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Drop the people who don’t care about you.

If they continuously hurt you in any way then you obviously don’t need them in your life. Don’t get too attached to them because you’re just falling into their trap. You want someone to love you, not hurt you. Who cares if you really love them, do you still want to get hurt over and over again? Why are you still hanging on to them? because you think they’ll come back to you but they won’t. Truth is, they don’t care about you anymore.
but i guess i should try making me happy for a bit 

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Dear whoever is reading this,

I understand how rough things are right now. I just want to let you know that things will get better, I promise. Keep holding on just a little bit longer. I know you feel like nobody really cares. You’re wrong, stop denying it. I care, otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this. You’re not alone, we may be miles away but we’re all going through the same things. Please keep holding on.
whoever you are, I love you. :)

Monday, 2 April 2012

It's my place, but i don't like it anymore

so first you have to under stand that i live in a bubble, a bubble were i'm the only one that get's in,  it's a lonely place sometimes,  every time someone get's just about close enough for me to let them in, something happens and i end up back in my own little world, fighting for survival, drowning in a ocean on my own self pity,  wonting to get out, needing to get out but just not knowing if it was me that brought all this on my self or if it was someone else, and still not being shore witch one is worse,