Monday, 20 May 2013

Moving out!

I'm moving out, it's real, it's happening, I was siting at a coffee shop on Saturna island thinking about what I'm going to do this summer, and the girl that owns that coffee shop yelled upstairs' "Sarah you wan't a job?' I replayed with "yup!" ran down stares she was sere us, she asked me if I had somewhere to live on the island, I sad "no not yet" so she called her friend who had a cute little cabin for rent, for just 250$ a month witch is great! I feel so incredibly alive right now, this is amazing, I'm in love with life

again <3

Friday, 17 May 2013

I get this amazing flying free happy floating feeling deep down in my belly, every time I look at a Tipi
I'm thinking about buying one and living in it for the summer, I think it would be the most amazing magical experience I could ever have, but there's still that fear of doing something "weird" when everyone tells you your crazy and you can't do it, I fell a lot of pressure to not fail, and that makes me terrified, but I guess I'll prove you wrong Mother, family, Grandma, stranger with a disapproving look, of a little girl living alone in the forest, but after all that, what are your guy's thoughts on that, practical or just a magical dream like fairy tale.

Just in case you where wondering this is my life <3 good day lovelies